Pet fashion is a huge part of the booming pet industry and it makes sense, fashion sense that is. Dressing companion animals goes as far back as 1423 when Louis XI of France dressed his favorite greyhound in a collar of scarlet velvet decorated with pearls and rubies, but no longer are pampered pets afforded to royalty alone. Pooches all over the world adore the attention when doting masters gift them with stylish accessories. Whether it’s an old t-shirt, a leather studded harness or a sock with holes for his head and legs. When we put clothes on our pet we give them something more than a garment, we elevate their status in society. They become a little more human. Dressing them can also be an expression of our love and an extension of our own style.
Dogs are stepping out on the cat walks. Acclaimed designer Issac Mizrahi strutted colorful poodles to the NY fashion week in 2011 and then went on to host a dog fashion challenge on project runway. Mizrahi will tell you that his rescued dog Harry is the most stylish part of his life. Pet fashion designer Anthony Rubio was the first ever canine designer to be featured in New York’s Fashion Week in 2012. His passion for pet design is fueled by his adorable chihuahuas Bogie and Kimba. Rubio is an alumni of The NYC Fashion Institute of Technology. F.I.T., saw the demand for skilled fashion designers who can create for four legs and a tail, and began offering a certification to designers specializing in canine couture about 12 years ago.
Leading experts in the industry say that pet fashion is not all about “cute” any more it’s come full circle– it’s highly functional. Designers are accentuating functionality using fabrics that are light and breathable, and can keep the pet cool or warm. They are using non-chemical fabrics that repel bugs, fleas, and ticks as well as natural and organic materials.
Even better news about pet fashion
Fashion designers are not only passionate about clothes but about their pets. Both Mizrahi and Rubio have adopted rescue dogs that are the inspiration for their work. These famous designers provide donations, create awareness and spearhead organizations that benefit animal welfare. Pet fashion shows have become a fun and successful way to raise money for animal welfare organizations.
Pet Fashion Tips
Dress your dog for their personality. Show off who your pet is by selecting accessories that fit who they are.
Dress appropriately for the occasion and the season. Be sure that what you dress your pet in projects a positive image. If your pet loves to dress then they will love the attention.
Get the color right. Know what color looks good on your pet. Some pets can only pull off black and white. Be wary of prints. Not all prints or stripes work well on all dogs.
Make sure the outfit is well tailored to your pet and that it is the right length. Your pet should look stylish but should still be comfortable and be able to move freely in what ever they are wearing.
Local Designer
Alison Lanier of Ragg Dog Duds loves piecing colors & textures together in a way to surely get your baby positively noticed. Recycling love is what she does. Plus a portion of every purchase made by you goes back into the community to assist and rescue homeless animals. So please, shop, enjoy, recycle and know with every purchase you make, you’ve made a communal difference.
More designs by Lanier at Raggdogduds.com.
Local Pet Related Fashion Shows
Marietta Muttropolitan Pet Fashion Show Featuring designs from local pet fashion designers Ragg Dog Duds, Peanut Butter & Bellie and Mister Migs.
Benefiting local animal welfare
Happens in February and auditions are in September.
Denim Dogs Fashion Blast
2015 was the first year for the denim fashion show featuring designs from Mister Migs.
Benefits WOW Insync
Usually happens in November.
Doggies on the Catwalk
Features human designs, pairing local celebrities with rescue pups on the catwalk to raise funds for local Atlanta Animal Welfare. Last year proceeds went to
Atlanta Pet Rescue and Adoption.
Happens in June.