Local Dog Club hosts Southeast Regional IPO Championship and looking for sponsors

Coal Mountain Schutzhund Association of Cumming GA is pleased to host the 2017 Southeast Regional IPO Championship February 23-26, 2017. Competitors from around the region will be in attendance to show off their elite canines. Along with the competitors will be numerous visitors and spectators there to take in all the sights of this four day event. We hope that you would like to become a part of this important event as a sponsor as well as a spectator! For more information on how to become a sponsor visit www.2017seregionals.com.

Schutzhund and the German Shepherd Dog
Schutzhund was developed in Germany in the early 1900s as a breed suitability test for the German Shepherd Dog. It was designed to test the natural instincts of the breed and to weed out the dogs that were either unstable or untrainable. This helped ensure that breeding stock would pass on the most desirable traits to working dogs such as police dogs, military dogs, and search and rescue dogs.

Over the past century Schutzhund has remained a breed test but has also evolved into a sport that can be enjoyed by people of all walks of life, from new dog owners to seasoned competitors. Persons of all ages and even those with significant disabilities are able to participate and enjoy the sport. Often it is a family hobby.

Contrary to the popular misconception that Schutzhund is “all about protection,” it is actually securely founded on obedience and control of a dog’s natural instincts and drives. Schutzhund dogs are safe, stable companions in the home and in public, good with children, under control, and at peace with their surroundings.

The three parts of a Schutzhund trial are tracking, obedience and protection, and the dog must receive passing scores in all three phases to be awarded the title at a trial. Dogs that are out of control or show sound sensitivity are dismissed and this is noted in their scorebook. Dogs that show aggression towards other dogs may be dismissed as well.

Why is Schutzhund important to the future of the working breeds? A dog that performs well in Schutzhund should demonstrate a solid temperament with a foundation of intelligence and utility. He will show a high level of trainability and happiness for his tasks. These traits are highly sought after in police K9s and Search and Rescue dogs. By participating in Schutzhund, we are keeping an important genetic pool alive for the dogs which serve and protect us. It also allows owners opportunity to enjoy an internationally recognized sport with their dogs, creating a stronger bond, and a safe, well mannered member of society.

Copyright-United Schutzhund Clubs of America (USCA). Reproduction in part permitted with proper attribution to the USCA. Article written by Christine Gajad of the USCA’s General Education Committee.

